Ferry Ticketing Solutions

Fast and efficient all weather ticketing - on and offline 

Easy to use and integrate, our advanced software and rugged handheld machines allows operators to issue printed tickets at the point of transaction and on open decks in all weather conditions, from one centralised system.

Our port office and mobile ticketing applications can be operated online or offline so that even if network connectivity is lost customers can still be ticketed. We also offer a range of self-service kiosk solutions to help enhance customer service with self-service ticket sales and timetable information.

Our systems have been designed to make ticket issuing and collection as fast as possible – especially critical on shorter routes.  The software also provides a full audit trail – tracking all data and system changes from payment processing through to revenue allocation for routes, concessions and tours.

The data is securely stored and fully PCI DSS compliant, so your customers and partners can have confidence and trust in your services. Such compliance also helps protect your company against security breaches, protecting your reputation.

Want to operate your own smart card scheme?  We can provide all the hardware and software required.


The port ticketing system can be operated online or offline so that even if network connectivity is lost, customers can still be ticketed 24/7. 

Quick Ticketing

Quick ticketing systems can be used at point of sale in Port offices and include PCI DSS compliant cash, debit and credit card payment options whilst allowing for multi-journey, staff travel and season ticketing.


Port ticketing can be integrated to reservations depending on the needs of the port.  The ticketing system runs on Windows PCs (XP, Vista, Win7, Win8) and can also integrate with third party card authorisation and processing systems, including Chip and PIN. 

Mobile Devices

Our mobile hand held devices are designed for comfortable and efficient mobile ticketing, with minimal wear and tear. They can quickly scan and validate 1D and 2D barcodes on vouchers, and confirmations at check-in.

Our devices are also designed to withstand very harsh weather and salt air conditions - with IP67 rated screens that can be read in sunlight and are proven on the open decks of ferries.

Mobile Printers

Our printers have flexible paper handling so that they can cope with a variety of ticket widths and lengths.  They can be configured to read contact smart-cards which can hold multi-journey, season ticket or concessionary details. 

Smart Card Ticketing

Launch your own Smart Card Ticketing scheme with our mobile printers and smart cards that can hold multi-journey, season ticket or concessionary details. Using Smart Card Ticketing you can save time and money by printing fewer multi-journey ticket books and you can also better understand your customers by collecting statistical travel data from smart cards.

Would you like to operate your own smart card scheme? We can provide all the hardware and software required.

Self-Service Kiosk Solutions

Our self-service kiosk solutions are ideal for customer-facing service organisations, especially for public transport and local authorities.

Our kiosks are multi-functional so they can be used for self-service ticket sales, as well as for providing timetables and general information to customers. They can also be custom designed to provide public internet access to existing information.

We work with some of the UK's most experienced kiosk hardware providers to deliver the most efficient, cost effective and customer focused solution for you.

Kiosk Benefits

  • Cost-effective transactions
  • Self-service ticket kiosks with various payment options
  • Minimise queue lengths
  • Out of hours access
  • Chip and PIN Level 1 & 2 accredited
  • Excellent branding and visibility potential 
  • Improved accessibility - wheelchair friendly kiosks in line with DDA guidelines
  • Designed to withstand the high levels of usage expected in busy public environments 

Bank and Payment Processing Integration

PDMS' advanced technology means it can integrate with PCI DSS compliant third party debit and credit card payment providers, merchant bureau services for batch processing of payment submissions and chip and PIN terminals for integrated ferry reservations and ticketing. 

Business Intelligence Integration

Our software integrates with a range of business intelligence systems including postcode lookup software for reservations, vehicle licensing agencies software for car registration validation (for intelligence such as vehicle length for more efficient sailings) as well as other third party software services.  It can also integrate with your existing data warehouse systems and tailored business intelligence suites using Microsoft tools. 

Finance Integration

Our solutions easily integrates with reporting and accounting business systems, as well as software for daily invoices, revenue, cashbook and transfers.

Statistics Integration

Our advanced software system has an additional and optional module that provides management reports and statistics on both ticketing and reservations. Using this add on, you can easily and quickly run reports and statistics on all of your ferry data from sailings to passengers, finance metrics and performance.

Benefits include the ability for customised reporting and forecasting and the ability to identify business risks and opportunities. 

You can also use the module to provide all of the data needed to fulfil governance reporting requirements, such as:

  • Carryings per sail
  • Delays by route and cause of delay
  • Tickets by route and draw-down rate on multi-journey tickets
  • Passengers shipped and landed
  • Adult, child and private or commercial metrics
  • Breakdown of traffic types and demographics 
  • Monthly performance statistics
  • Sailing statistics entry
  • Capacity and time limits
  • Cause and delay codes
  • Archiving

Centralised ticket sales

By using our solutions, all ferry ticket sales are centralised – whether they are processed online, at a port self-service kiosk, over the phone, or at a ticket office, giving you greater control and access to ticket availability and revenue maximisation.

Compliant and Secure

All payments and smart account information is securely stored and fully PCI DSS compliant, so your customers and partners can have confidence and trust in your services. Such compliance also helps protect your company against security breaches, theft and data threats, protecting your reputation.  


The software we develop is easy-to-use, and provides operators with the ability to effortlessly issue printed tickets at the point of transaction, or on open decks, reducing your administrative overheads and time spent on ticketing.

Efficient and reliable

We make ticket issuing and collection as fast as possible, even on short routes where operators may simply collect tickets by hand (for example for return or multi-journey portions) and scan them en-masse once all customers are ticketed.

Enhanced customer service

Our software enhances the level of customer service you provide through benefits such as minimal queue lengths with fast self-service 24/7 kiosks, improved convenience for ticket purchasing, fast check in options and ticketless travel for commuters on the go. 

Improved visibility

Kiosks provide excellent branding and visibility potential, allowing you to better promote your business and position yourself as market leaders.

Maximises revenues

Our technology will improve accessibility and convenience of purchasing tickets by providing multiple channels through which to purchase: online, mobile, self-service kiosk, port and phone ticketing.  This level of convenience supports ticket sales and the opportunity for your customers to purchase tickets 24/7, regardless of location.

PDMS is a trading name of Professional Data Management Services Limited, Isle of Man Registration No. 061568C and registered office: Global House, Isle of Man Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2QZ. Professional Data Management Services (UK) Limited is a company registered in England & Wales, Registration No. 06081783 and registered office: Elm House, Oaklands Office Park, Hooton, Cheshire, CH66 7NZ.